Posts: Page 132

Green Goals for 2020

As this year is coming to a close it’s time again to look back on all of those New Year’s Resolutions made and see how we can improve for the upcoming year. 2019 was the first year that I have been successful in keeping most of my goals. I think it is because I wasn’t trying to save a certain amount of money or change my body fat levels to a specific number.

Microgrids – Distributed Energy Makes Strange Bedfellows

Remember the Green Tea coalition in Georgia and Florida where progressives and right-wingers fought against power utilities to allow rooftop solar? Now a similar coalition is shaping up after Clean Energy Action’s Leslie Glustrom convened a conference together with Amy Cooke, CEO of the Denver based Independence Institute. On many if not most issues these two will find themselves on opposite sides but microgrids have features that appeal to both.
