Posts: Page 184

The Prodigal Goes Home, by Rev. Peter Sawtell

The Prodigal Goes Home Copyright 2016 – Eco-Justice Ministries  This week’s issue of Eco-Justice Notes is underwritten by Jerry Rees and Sallie Veenstra of Leawood, Kansas. Their generous support helps make this publication possible. In a backhanded way, it appears that we can thank Donald Trump for some very good news this week.

CO Artists, Performers and Activists Raise Thousands for Indigenous People and Allies Resisting Dakota Access Pipeline

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 21, 2016 #NoDAPL live art and music event is big success thanks to generosity of local artists Boulder, Comadelife, a creative accelerator business on Pearl St., and climate activist organization 350 Colorado co-hosted a Live Art and Music Event to benefit the Sacred Stone Camp, Standing Rock Sioux, and other water protectors in their fight against the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline on Thursday night.


Help stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership! Please send a message urging our Congressional delegation oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).  The TPP is a massive international agreement that threatens democracy and the climate.  The TPP will create powerful private “tribunals” empowered to force governments at all levels to change or repeal policies protecting our communities and the environment if they reduce the profits of foreign corporations.
