Welcome to the Colorado Thrives Coalition Earth Day Events Page!
No matter where we come from, the color of our skin or how much we have in our wallets, we all deserve good jobs, to be healthy
and for our families and communities to thrive.
Climate change is deeply impacting our communities; out-of-control wildfires, over pollution of our neighborhoods, specifically
communities of color, are now normal. Why? Because corporations want to rake in profits by exploiting workers, degrading communities
and poisoning the environment – and many politicians have given them the green light to do it. We welcome you to learn more about the CO Thrives Coalition here: CO Thrives Coalition
This Earth Day, the CO Thrives Coalition is collaborating to host a number of events throughout the week of Earth Day, April 18-23rd. Below, you will find a list of events and actions you can take hosted by members of the coalition. Please join us in calling for climate justice and the protection of our communities!
Earth Week: April 19-22
Sierra Club is hosting a week of action with Monday’s calls to action focused on oil and gas, Tuesday’s action focused on clean buildings and electrification, Wednesday’s action focused on wildlife and public lands, and Thursday’s action focused on transportation. (details forthcoming)
- Monday April 18, 9am-8pm Methane Monday!
- Tuesday, April 19, 9am-8pm Transportation Tuesday!
- Friday, April 22, 9am – 8pm Clean Air Friday!
Thursday, April 21
- Cultivando is hosting a screening of the film “Suncor Sundown” on Thursday April 21 at 6pm at the Patagonia Denver store. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend (register guests as well)
Friday, April 22 (Earth Day)
4/22 6-8 pm, Denver: Together CO is hosting an Earth Day Interfaith Vigil: Sacred Breath – An Interfaith Earth Day Vigil at 6:30 pm (with doors opening at 6) on April 22 at First Baptist in Denver. Community and environmental organizations will also be tabling with information on ways to take action at this event. Please join! 1373 Grant St, Denver, CO 80203
4/22 12 pm, 350 Colorado and other coalition partners will host an Earth Day Community Picnic and Earth Day Press Conference followed by a march to the Federal Reserve to call on the Fed to account for climate risk and to stop funding fossil fuel projects. More info here.
4/22 9am – 8pm, Sierra Club is hosting Clean Air Friday!
Additional Ways to Take Action this Month in honor of Earth Day:
- Take 9to5 Colorado’s Climate Justice Survey! We want to know how you and your family are impacted by the climate crisis.
- Sign the United for Colorado’s Climate Petition to Gov. Polis calling for stronger climate leadership: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/unitedforclimatedemands/
- Register to vote! WFP is coordinating voter registration to be at the Capitol on Friday April 22nd from 12:30-1:30pm. Or – register to vote or update your voter registration online