350 Boulder County (BoCO) is working locally to help solve the global climate crisis and transition from fossil fuels to a sustainable future!

Our Goals: 

  • Promote local clean energy development
  • Promote locally-grown organic food & regenerative agriculture
  • Ban fracking in Boulder County
  • Work towards low greenhouse gas (GHG) planning & transportation 
  • Promote divestment from fossil fuels to secure a fossil free future 
  • Center JEDI (justice, equity, diversity & inclusion) principles in everything we do

We try to meet monthly and always welcome new members to our team to help lead the transition to a safe, sustainable future! It is going to take each and every one of us to ensure the livable future we all deserve. 

Click here to fill out a volunteer interest form. A team member will reach out for personalized ways to get involved! 

350 Boulder County wins: 

Located at Dowe Flats, Cemex’s cement Plant is Boulder County’s #1 polluter. Partnering with local coalitions and organizations, in September of 2022 we successfully urged the Boulder County Commissioners to reject the 15-year-extension of Cemex’s plant permit. By doing so, the emission of 5.4 million tons of CO2 into Boulder County’s air has been prevented.

In December of 2020, we succeeded in getting Boulder County Commissioners to pass the strictest oil and gas regulations in the state! This is a huge victory, but there is still a lot of work to be done to ensure a sustainable future for all. We, along with local coalition partners, are continuing calls for a ban on fracking in Boulder County and we hope you will join us in taking action.


Take action now! 

  1. Write a Letter to the Editor or Op-ed of your local paper(s) to educate the community on the harms of fracking and urge local elected leaders to take action! Sign up to write an LTE here.  You can also find Tips and Contact Info: Writing a LTE and/or Op-ed here.


Become a monthly donor so we can continue working to keep fossil fuels in the ground in Boulder County. After completing the payment step, just fill out the survey to earmark your donation for 350 Boulder County.




Come to our monthly meeting! We are always looking for new members to join the team. Our monthly meetings will now be held in-person. Check the calendar below for our upcoming meetings and/or events! 

Questions? Email melissa@350colorado.org

What: Building the Climate Movement in Boulder County: 350 Boulder County Monthly Meeting with ongoing presentations and action planning

When/where: Check calendar below

Questions? Email melissa@350colorado.org


See our upcoming events, meetings, and actions on our calendar:



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