Did you know that the ‘opinions’ section of the newspaper is one of the most-read sections? Please join 350 Colorado in raising awareness about climate change, oil and gas development in our state, and related issues by writing a Letter to the Editor and/or Op-ed! 

Some topics we are currently focused on include: 

  • Raising awareness about climate change and demanding a more rapid transition away from fossil fuels and toward a renewable energy future. 
  • Calling on the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission (“ECMC” (*formerly the COGCC)) for the most protective rules possible, and a rapid transition away from fossil fuel development in our state. 
  • Calling for a phase out of fracking permits by 2030
  • Calling on Public Employees Retirement Association to curb fossil fuel investments. 

Please choose a topic and begin writing! Help increase awareness, share your story, express your concerns and call for stronger climate leadership by submitting an op-ed or letter now. 

Here’s how you can take action now: 

      • Step 1: Pick your topic & start writing. Click here for suggested talking points and sample LTE and Op-ed language to guide your submissions by topic. 
      • Step 2: Pick your newspaper target(s) and begin submitting. Click here for contact information for newspapers throughout the state.
      • Step 3: Check back in to see if you get published (you can also search for your name and the paper). Let us know if your letter gets published! Email info@350colorado.org
      • Step 4 (Optional): Sign up to join a dedicated group of writers who are on call to write on specific topics as needs arise. If you sign up, we’ll contact you to offer support and when opportunities arise. Email info@350colorado.org and ask to be added to our list of writers. We’ll contact you with next steps.

Letter to the Editor and Op-ed Writing Tips: 

  • Make sure to follow the LTE or Op-ed instructions that the newspaper has, including using the appropriate word count. 
  • Provide a clear, catchy title.
  • If there has recently been an article in the paper related to your issue, refer to it and the editorial staff is much more likely to print/post it. Put Re: “The name at the top of the article” (Name of Paper, date article was printed) at the top of your letter.
  • Always provide your full name, phone number(s), and address at the bottom of your email. The newspaper wants this information in case they need to contact you. They will only print your name and your city. 
  • Call to make sure they received it and ask if they plan to print your letter; Or – set a google alert with your name to track when your name appears online.
  • Even if your LTE or Op-ed does not get published, please know that your effort is not wasted.  Your letter shows the paper that people are interested in the issue and helps get other supportive letters published. 

Questions? Email info@350colorado.org 
