A detailed route map can be found at co350.org/map
bring it up on a smartphone

  1. Muni’ to Valmont Event, depart 8:30 AM (3 options):
    1. Roads
      1. proceed east on Canyon to 30th
      2. turn south, on 30th to Arapahoe
      3. turn east, on Arapahoe to 63rd
      4. turn north, on 63rd to Valmont Event
    2. Creek Path
      1. proceed east on Creek Path until it T’s with Foothills Path on the east side of Foothills
      2. turn north, on Foothills path, crossing creek, and again turn east on Creek Path at next intersection
      3. past 55th stay to right, curling to the south to intersection
      4. turn east, at intersection ducking under railroad tracks to the Stazio Ballfields
      5. get on 63rd east of the Ballfields, and proceed south to Valmont Event
    3. Community Cycles route (roads & paths)
      1. navigate roads to just west of 30th on Mapleton
      2. pick up the Goose Creek Path there, and proceed east to intersection with Boulder Creek Path
      3. proceed the same as the above route
  2. Valmont to Superior, depart 9:50 (2 options)
    1. shorter option, via McCaslin
      1. return to Arapahoe, turn east to 75th
      2. turn south, to Baseline
      3. turn east, to 76th
      4. turn south, to South Boulder Rd
      5. turn east, to McCaslin
      6. turn south, crossing ’36, to Marshall Dr
      7. turn west & curl right into lot w/ Whole Foods & Superior P&R
    2. longer option, via Cherryvale
      1. return to Arapahoe, turn west to Cherryvale Rd
      2. turn south, to Marshall Dr
      3. turn east, to Superior Whole Foods & P&R
  3. Superior P&R to Flatirons P&R, depart 10:50 AM (really only 1 good option, ride ’36 at own risk)
    1. Rock Creek
      1. return to McCaslin southbound to Rock Creek Pkwy
      2. turn east, to Coalton Rd
      3. turn east, again
      4. Coalton becomes Flatirons Crossing Dr
      5. proceed east past Interlocken Loop, to Flatiron Marketplace Dr
      6. turn north, to the P&R station/underpass, collect additional riders & go
    2. US36 (bikes technically prohibited by CDOT, plus it’s noisy, stinky, and potentially dangerous… we need a real US36 Bike Route!)
      1. you know what you’re doing (right?)
  4. Flatirons P&R to Broomfield P&R, depart ~11:10 AM (3 options)
    1. via Interlocken Blvd
      1. proceed south on Flatiron Marketplace Dr to Interlocken Blvd
      2. turn east, to Interlocken Loop
      3. turn southeast, to Longs Peak Dr
      4. turn south, to Metro Airport Ave
      5. turn east, crossing Wadsworth Pkwy, then becomes Uptown Ave, to 116th
      6. turn northeast, to the P&R
    2. via Industrial Ln (puts you at NE end of Broomfield P&R viaduct)
      1. proceed east on Flatiron Crossing Dr, under ’36,
      2. then becomes Railroad Dr, and then Industrial Ln, crossing under 121/287, to Commerce St
      3. angle south, to 116th ave & east end of P&R viaduct
      4. if motivated, riders can run across viaduct with or without bikes
    3. US36 (you’ve been warned)
  5. Broomfield P&R to Westminster P&R, passing near Church Ranch P&R, depart 11:40 AM (2 very similar options, and a 3rd)
    1. west side
      1. proceed south on Broomfield Ln to Parkland St
      2. turn east, to (Old) Wadsworth Blvd
      3. continue south, picking up east-side riders, to Church Ranch Blvd
      4. turn east, to Westcliff Pkwy (riders from Church Ranch wait here for pack)
      5. turn south, crossing 92nd, to 88th
      6. turn east, crossing Sheridan, into P&R
    2. east side
      1. proceed east on 116th to (Old) Wadsworth Blvd
      2. turn south crossing over 36, and joining riders on west, as above
    3. US36(!)
  6. Church Ranch P&R to Westminster P&R, ~11:55 AM
      1. if bussing to Church Ranch P&R, travel southwest on Church Ranch,
      2. meet other riders at Church Ranch & Westcliff Parkway
  7. Westminster P&R to Cherokee Event, depart 12:30 PM (just one option for a ways on Dry Creek Path, then forks into two options at Pecos)
    1. Dry Creek Path to Clear Creek Path
      1. scoot southeast, paralleling ’36, around buildings, to Turnpike Dr (look for blue & orange chalk arrows on pavement)
      2. continue southeast, ” “, to end of culdesac (look for chalk)
      3. dash through the hole in the fence into the neighborhood beyond (look for chalk)
      4. at Tennyson St, turn south to 80th (…chalk!)
      5. turn east briefly, to Stuart Pl (chalk!)
      6. turn south again,to 76th (…!)
      7. turn west briefly, crossing RR tracks to Winona Ct
      8. turn south, to Dry Creek, and head southeast on the Path
      9. stay on Dry Creek Path all the way to Pecos, then cross under on Path
      10. becomes Clear Creek Path to the northeast (keep looking for chalk!)
      11. cross under I25, & I270, and watch for bridge at the Platte River Bike Trail
      12. turn south over bridge, take restroom break (if needed)
      13. proceed south on Platte Trail, eating lots of bugs between reservoirs, to Cherokee Event
    2. Dry Creek Path to Pecos, then Roads
      1. as above, but then at Pecos, go south a bit & cross over to 64th eastbound
      2. 64th becomes 62nd, cross under I25 to Franklin
      3. turn north, to 64th
      4. turn east, to Cherokee Event
  8. Cherokee Event to Suncor Event, depart 2:20 PM (one option)
    1. Platte River Bike Trail to Sand Creek Greenway
      1. head northeast on Platte Trail to the Sand Creek Greenway
      2. turn southeast, to Suncor Event
  9. Suncor Event to Xcel HQ Event, depart 2:55 PM (sort of 3 options here)
    1. Continue on Sand Creek Greenway, get on Brighton Blvd southwest into downtown
      1. continue southeast on Greenway, crossing under Brighton Blvd
      2. promptly curl left/northeast up onto Brighton (a path constriction here necessitates efficiency)
      3. turn southeast on Brighton, becomes Broadway, to Larimer St
      4. turn southwest, to 17th & Xcel HQ Event
    2. Retrace back past Cherokee Event area, on Platte Trail all the way downtown
      1. yup, retrace your track back past the Cherokee Event area
      2. continue on southwest towards downtown, staying on the Platte Trail until 20th/Park
      3. emerge up onto 20th at Cuemavaca Park, proceed southeast to Larimer
      4. turn southwest to 17th & Xcel HQ Event
    3. Starts as option A, becomes B, jogging back to Platte Trail at York
      1. proceed southwest on Brighton Blvd to York
      2. turn nortwest to Platt River Bike Trail,
      3. turn southwest, joining others who chose option B
  10. Xcel to Halliburton Event, depart 4:20 PM
      1. move a whole block to the Halliburton Event at 17th & Lawrence
  11. Halliburton to Capitol Event, depart 4:45 PM
      1. continue southeast on 17th, to Broadway
      2. turn south, to 14th
      3. turn east, to Lincoln St
      4. turn north, to Colfax Ave
      5. turn west, to Broadway
      6. repeat ii->v, or circle the capitol building itself as many times as is necessary to get proper political attention
  12. Capitol Event, Green Fair, & Party!
