TODAY is #ColoradoGivesDay – Colorado’s largest day of giving!! It’s more than just a day, it’s a movement that inspires and unites thousands of donors to give where they live and support Colorado nonprofits.
This year’s theme for 350 Colorado’s End-Of-Year fundraiser is We’re All In! We’re working hard together to secure strong climate action and leadership, and we welcome your support with an end of year donation just in time for Colorado Gives Day. Donate today and your donation will be matched by our generous matching committee! Your donation will also help us receive further support from the Colorado Gives Incentive Fund!
We have an ambitious goal of raising $50,000 by end of day today, and every dollar donated counts!

We’re working hard together to secure strong climate action and leadership in our state. Key successes in 2022 include:
Securing the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation commission’s decision to uphold the 2000 foot health and safety setback, with the COGCC formally denying the Kerr McGee oil and gas well plan proposed near homes in Firestone, Colorado, wth the COGCC denying their first oil and gas permit ever.
Securing the EPA’s decision to deny Suncor Oil Refinery’s Title V air quality permit renewal spotlighting environmental justice concerns.
Securing a Pitkin County fossil fuel divestment win, compelling Pitkin County’s Board of Commissioners to pass a formal prohibition against investing in fossil fuels, tobacco, and firearm companies, and to pursue responsible Environmental, Social and Governance investing.
Securing updated Xcel Energy ERP proposal entailing closing Pueblo 3 coal plant no later than 2031. (The previous closure date was 2070!)
Thanks to your support, we have expanded our staff support and resources for volunteers, creating easily accessible online and print materials for local teams, volunteers and community members to use. During the last year, 350CO has also launched a new Spanish micro-website with information on Suncor Oil Refinery, the impacts of climate change and poor air quality, and the impacts of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) on local communities, as well as ways to take action.
Throughout the year, our local teams continue to be a catalyst for positive change and community engagement and action. You can learn more about our local team efforts and successes here: Spotlight on 350CO Local Teams – Climate Action Highlights from Across the State. We are truly all in for climate action!
We are asking our amazing, dedicated supporters like yourself to support climate action by donating to 350 Colorado today!