This article was written by Tory Kaltner of The Climate Mobilization

A new environmental organization, the Climate Mobilization, has officially launched Boulder as its pilot city! Aiming to mobilize and empower citizens to change the political landscape behind addressing climate change, the Climate Mobilization hopes to utilize traditional grassroots organizing in this city buzzing with environmentalists in order to help our communities combat climate change. The Mobilization hopes to engage citizens by offering a Pledge to Mobilize, and strives to support all kinds of personal contributions to the climate justice movement.

The Climate Mobilization seeks to address climate change on a scale comparable to the home-front mobilization during World War II, during which Americans grew victory gardens that supplied forty percent of the country’s needs, and industry completely overhauled production to support the war effort. The WWII home front efforts provide us with a historical model for the kind of mass cooperation, focus, and planning that we need to combat climate change. The goal of our modern day Mobilization – a Climate Mobilization Corps millions strong coupled with drastic carbon reductions – is based on this historical model that was rooted so strongly in average Americans seeing the need for change and taking swift, bold, collective action. Additionally, the Climate Mobilization envisions strong communication with political candidates, offering the Pledge to Mobilize and support to candidates seeking to address climate change.

The unique approach of recruiting movement-builders via a pledge, taken in-person, emphasizes the importance of generating a national conversation about climate change and promotes a sense of solidarity among Pledgers to remind us that we can make a difference as individuals. The Mobilization is also excited to offer its support to victory gardens that individuals and families are already growing around Boulder County, and hopes to launch a more extensive Victory Gardens for Climate Justice campaign soon.

We’re thrilled to be working alongside the dedicated folks at 350 CO this summer and beyond as we strive to cultivate climate justice leadership in Boulder!


Weekly meetings are held on Tuesdays at 6pm at Flatiron Coffee and all are welcome! For more information, or to help plan our Climate Mobilization kickoff event in June, please contact For details on our climate action proposal, visit

climate mobilization 350 colorado