Make sure climate justice is at the top of our leaders’ agendas and let our legislators know we demand bold climate action at scale with the crisis!
Thanks to all who are supporting strong climate legislation during the legislative session.
Ways you can get involved:

- Join our Legislative Action Committee, which meets every other Monday from 5-6pm and focuses on supporting climate legislation. You’ll also get emails with important action alerts for ways to support legislation virtually and in-person!
- Sign up for Climate Lobby Day 2024 and support climate solutions at the capitol. Use our outreach toolkit to help spread the word on this important day of action.
- Sign up to testify for/against important legislation in the 2024 legislative session!
Resources for engaging at the Legislature:
- Check out our Legislative Advocacy Tip Sheet for a list of ways to get involved, plus links to important resources
- Look up your state legislators here
- 350CO hosted an interactive and informative “How to Lobby 101” training on February 19th, 2024. You can watch a recording here of the training with lobbying tips plus info on the top bills to watch.
- Want to testify? Here’s how: All hearing participation can be remote, using the free app WebEx –
up-webex. Create an account, as you would with Zoom and/or download it for your phone. If you want to testify on a bill, here’s the link to register: CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf/ signIn.xsp - Look up what legislation has been introduced here
Specific climate-related bills to advocate for in Colorado for 2024

- Advocate for the Phase Out and Clean Up bill with this toolkit
Enacting change can come from passing laws, influencing policy, and holding our elected officials accountable for being climate champions who vote in favor of a sustainable future. Each year we focus on a number of priority bills, from improving building codes to improving air quality and more.
Want to get involved? Join our Legislative Action Committee or another campaign committee here

350 Colorado volunteers at the 2023 Climate Lobby Day!