People along the Colorado Front Range had at least one thing to appreciate during the Corona crisis: that sickening brown cloud had mostly disappeared as a majority of our polluting cars, trucks and semis were forced to stay put.

That missing cloud is actually a window into a possible future where electric vehicles replace fossil fuel internal combustion engines (ICE) in transportation, a future with much reduced air pollution and all around better vehicles that are cheaper to run and maintain, quiet, comfortable, and pleasantly zippy yet safer. 

Transitions of such magnitude require more than shiny new technology (which is already here!) but more importantly broad shifts in attitude and behavior.

That is where Denver’s Electric Vehicles & Alternative Fuels Initiative comes in with its just released EV Action Plan, humorously named Pass Gas – Drive Electric!

The full plan is available on their well structured website, along with a short video, links to resources about selecting an EV model among the 40 plug-ins currently available, details on the very generous Colorado EV Tax Credit (highest in the nation!) and a helpful FAQ.

With a plug-in EV, you get powerful torque, zero tailpipe emissions, and a quiet ride, with no gas necessary! A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), which has both an electric motor and a gas engine, can also be a great option for anyone concerned about EV range. Many owners also decide to pair their EV with rooftop solar or they opt for clean energy sources from community solar or utilities to provide their own cheaper and cleaner power.

How to pass gas?

Walking and biking are the cleanest options, but if you need a car, choose an EV. With more than 40 models available from a variety of manufacturers, passing gas is easier than ever.

How will Denver do it?

With input from a broad range of community, government, and business leaders, the city has developed the Denver Electric Vehicle Action Plan to bolster EV charging infrastructure, drive community awareness, facilitate EV adoption, and support EV services and innovation.

Download the plan now to see how it works and how you can take part. 

While this plan is specific to the City and County of Denver it can easily serve as inspiration for other regions in Colorado to shape plans that best meet their specific needs.

And finally a consideration for consumers: When reading about EVs make sure the info you’re looking at is truly up to date: Totally outdated or false concerns about EVs are resurfacing around the internet like unflushables, and not just in ‘Conservative’ circles. Fact is: Switching to an EV can meet or exceed a family’s needs for at least one of their household’s vehicles, and can do so not some in some undefined time in the future, but do so today. As car purchases are people’s biggest and most long term investments be sure to make it count for the clean air locally and the climate globally.

By Martin Voelker, self-anointed EV-Evangelist with 350Colorado and the Colorado Renewable Energy Society.

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