Welcome to our November 2022 Newsletter!
In this issue, learn about 350CO’s new #FrackingFuelstheFlames campaign, which spotlights the connections between oil and gas development and climate impacts in our state. You’ll also get caught up on recent actions and events, including the first-ever 350CO Youth Action Committee Youth Climate Conference “For Our Future,” as well as this past weekend’s “Climate Banker Zombie Crawl!” You will also read about ways to take action to support our ongoing efforts calling out the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission’s failures to protect public health and the environment.
Finally, thanks to guest writer Matt Fisher for a piece on “Making Peace With a Broken World.”
From all of us on the 350CO Team, we wish you a wonderful November!
Quote of the Month – “I hold a vision of this blue green planet, safe and in balance. At the end of the Fossil Fuel Era, we are emerging to a new reality. We are ready to make the next leap – as momentous as abolishing slavery or giving women the vote.” – Elizabeth May
Action of The Month: Sign On in Support: Phase Out New Fracking Oil & Gas Permits by 2030!–> Click here to sign on.
350CO & coalition partners have launched an open letter to the Polis Administration calling for a managed economic transition away from new fossil fuel permitting, protecting workers and communities.
Environmental and climate activists marched from Union Station to Chase Bank, Wells Fargo and the Federal Reserve, calling for a phase out of fossil fuel financing by 2030.
350CO Youth Action Committee Hosts First ‘For Our Future’ Youth Climate Conference
350CO’s Youth Action Committee hosted its first-ever, youth-lead event to empower students and young people to take action through providing resources and creating a safe and inclusive space while highlighting ways to get involved and be a climate activist.
The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission is moving forward on a hearing for a rulemaking petition submitted by six environmental groups including 350CO, opening the matter up for public comment from individuals and groups. In the petition, groups call for rules to better protect Coloradans from cumulative impacts of oil and gas development. Comments will be accepted until December 2.
Making Peace With a Broken World
A reflection on working with the difficult emotions that come along with being a climate activist – honoring the anxiety and grief while also creating space for acceptance and enjoyment of this beautiful life and planet we call home.
A huge thanks to our October Climate Hero of the Month – Harper!
November is a time of deep gratitude and appreciation, and are so grateful to honor Harper Meyerson as our Climate Hero of the Month for November! Harper hails from Seattle, Washington and is currently studying Economics and International Relations at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. That’s right, she is making a difference in the climate movement in Colorado from 4,000+ miles away! She has been a stellar intern with 350CO and her work is greatly appreciated!
Video of the Month – 350CO Public Comment Workshop
Through this workshop offered in Denver last month, learn the ins & outs of giving public comment, why it matters and why your voice and story can make a positive impact.
Upcoming Events & Actions
- Nov. 8, 6pm – 350CO Volunteer Orientation: Register here (online via Zoom)
- Nov. 9, 12:30pm – 350CO Renewable Energy Committee Webinar/Presentation: EVs & Public Transportation (online via Zoom)
- Nov. 10, 5:30pm – #StopUintaBasin Railway Day of Action Training (Online via Zoom); Facebook event to share and zoom registration link
- Nov. 11, 11am – Biochar Tour at Biochar Now (Berthoud)
- Nov. 14, 5pm – 350Denver Team Event: Pack grocery bags & sort produce – with We Don’t Waste: Saving Food, Protecting the Planet, Feeding People (Denver: sign up here)
Nov. 30, 6pm – 350CO Volunteer Orientation: Register here (online via Zoom)
Please view our full calendar to join local team meetings, committee conference calls & more
Did you know? You can support 350CO when buying a home!
If you or someone you know is looking to buy a new home, please support 350CO through Climate Change Realty – a real estate brokerage that donates 50% of its net commissions to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations dedicated to fighting climate change. Contact ethan@ccrboulder.com if you are interested in moving or visit www.ccrboulder.com today and look for 350CO on the list of partnering non-profits!