Moving Planet Press Release:
Contact: Micah Parkin, 504-258-1247,
Washington, DC: Molly Haigh, 907-750-1999,
Boulder-Denver Moving Planet Bike Ride Joins 176 Countries in Global Day of Action on Climate Change
Hundreds taking part in 37-miles cycle and rallies between Boulder to Denver joining a massive global day of action Saturday to move beyond fossil fuels.
Denver, Colorado – More than 500 people turned out for a fun “Power Past Fossil Fuel” Bike Ride and Rally from Boulder to Denver on Saturday. TV Host, Adventurer and Filmmaker Ryan Van Duzer, Former State Senate Majority Leader Ken Gordon, Rev. Peter Sawtell, Earth and Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Tom Davinroy, and youth activists joined a 37-mile ride from Boulder and celebration at the State Capitol to demonstrate their commitment to moving beyond fossil fuels.
“Our planet is warming, weather patterns are changing, and it is affecting our chances of inheriting a world that is healthy and safe,” said 11-year-old youth leader of Earth Guardians to crowds gathered at the State Capitol. “Together we can create the kind of world we deserve if we say NO to fossil fuels and turn towards renewable energy – your choices now will determine the kind of world you will leave for all children”.
Record temperatures, wildfires, droughts, floods, and storms have inspired many new people to pile on to the local effort to fight climate change. Cyclists rallied at the Valmont and Cherokee coal plants, the Suncor tar sands oil refinery, Xcel headquarters and Halliburton offices to demand an end to coal-burning, highly polluting tar sands oil development and natural gas “fracking” and the continued reliance on on 90% fossil fuels for electricity. Participants pointed to the lack of action from politicians in Washington and what they see as too much corporate money from fossil fuel companies in politics as reasons for getting involved.
“Mountain environments serve as early-warning harbingers of climate change due to the magnified effects on early snowmelt, disappearing glaciers, precipitation changes, vulnerability to drought, flash flooding and fires. They truly are a canary-in-the-coal-mine when it comes to climate change,” said Dr. Thomas C. Davinroy, Earth and Atmospheric Scientist at Metropolitan State College of Denver. “The effects of climate change on Colorado’s skiing and tourism industry could be absolutely catastrophic. Throw in a reduction in available water for agriculture and much of our State economy is in grave peril.”
Participants signed petitions deliver to elected officials and corporate leaders, including a 30-foot petition that draped down the State Capitol steps on which participants made their own commitments to move beyond fossil fuels. “For too long our leaders have denied and delayed, compromised and caved,” said Colorado organizer Micah Parkin. “So we’re here today to show that we’re ready to move beyond fossil fuels and transition to a sustainable, clean energy future – it’s time to solve the climate crisis.”
“In the past year, the science hasn’t changed – we’ve seen the warmest years in recorded history, record low levels of arctic sea ice, and then we’ve seen an overwhelming abundance of disastrous mega-storms made larger by our warming atmosphere,” said Congressman Jared Polis in a video address for the Colorado Moving Planet participants. “Droughts, storms, and heat waves have devastating impact on the foods we eat, the diseases that we are exposed to, and the infrastructure that moves people and ideas, costing our economy billions of dollars in the process. Unfortunately, while the climate change science is clear, the misleading rhetoric from the vested interest on the other side continue to try to muddy the facts and confuse people. That’s why your efforts today are so important.”
Participants also showed their support for a US36 Bikeway planned to begin construction in summer of 2012. “I cycle everywhere and chose not to own a car,” said Van Duzer, a local celebrity who will be the host of an upcoming TV show called “Paradise Hunter”. Van Duzer cycled with participants along US36 from Boulder to Denver and released a film short on this adventure.
“President Obama always said he would need pressure to help him move his agenda forward. We’re doing more than signing petitions–people in every corner of the country are showing the path ahead. This movement is only growing–and, sadly, every weird storm and devastating drought will make it bigger still.” said Bill Mckibben, co-founder of about the growing movement.
Nearly 180 countries participated in this year’s Moving Planet day of action, with thousands of events joining in to move beyond fossil fuels.
For pictures and videos from the Colorado Moving Planet event, please visit:
- “Out There Guy” Ryan Van Duzer rides with Moving Planet Bike Ride
- Video by Ben Garst
- Video by Tamara Rose Roske of 11-year-old Earth Guardians Youth Leader Xiutezcatel Roske-Martinez
- Video From Congressman Polis For Moving Planet addressing Moving Planet participants