For Immediate Release, September 24, 2019

Contact: Amy Gray, 719-650-0259, 

Julia Williams, (970) 948-1439, 


What’s with the Dresses on the 16th Street Mall? Indigenous Leaders Speak out on Violence

Despite vandalism to the installation, activists to host art tour and press conference on climate justice 

DENVER – The International Indigenous Youth Council in partnership with the Colorado Climate Strike Coalition are presenting an art installation in Denver on the 16th Street Mall from Sept. 19-29 to raise awareness about Missing and Murdered Indigenous, Black, and Migrant Womxn and Children.

After the project was installed last Thursday, dozens of dresses were intentionally ripped down overnight. Despite the vandalism, Indigenous leaders and climate activists will host a walking tour and press conference tomorrow on the 16th Street Mall at 10:30 a.m.

“In light of the dresses being ripped from a public platform bringing crucial awareness to this issue, we realize that Denver and the nation have a responsibility to recognize that social justice and environmental justice are intertwined to the very foundation of our lands. We will not be silenced or intimidated from addressing this issue or any injustice against our Womxn and children,” said Renee Millard-Chacon of Womxn from the Mountain. 

Red and black dresses are displayed around the mall with the names and ages of missing and murdered individuals. Red dresses represent the Indigenous and Migrant individuals currently missing or murdered, including detained individuals in Colorado GEO facilities. Black dresses represent Black Womxn who have been murdered while in police custody.

The installation is a part of the Colorado Climate Strike Week of Action, which launched Friday with a mass strike in Denver that drew crowds of over 7,500 participants. The project examines the ways in which social justice issues including ecological degradation, systemic racism, economic inequality are deeply interlinked; connected by the same root causes of systemic exploitation of people and planet. 

Press Conference/Walking Tour Details: 

When: Tuesday, Sept. 24th at 10:30 a.m.

Where: Meet at – 1701 Wynkoop Street , Denver  (in-front of: Wynkoop Plaza Fountain) 

Quote Deck: 

“The Colorado climate justice community stands firm behind the belief that social justice is tantamount to climate justice. We don’t live single issue lives, and this is not a single issue movement. We are building a mass, multigenerational, multiracial movement for climate justice to address the root causes, not just the symptoms,” said Amy Gray of 350 Colorado. 


“Respecting the sacred is the key to connecting to our humanity and our indigeneity again, but most of all, it has the ability to transform our whole world again,” said Renee Millard-Chacon of Womxn from the Mountain. 


“I strike today to give back for the ones who walked before us, and for those who will walk after me. If it wasn’t for my ancestors fighting for me to be here today, I wouldn’t be able to fight for those who will walk after me,” said Micaela Iron Shell-Dominguez (IIYC, Women of Color in Solidarity). 


“When we examine what we are doing to the earth we cannot ignore what we are doing to our Womxn. What we are doing to our Womxn we are doing to the Unci Maka (Grandmother Earth,” said Thomas Lopez, International Indigenous Youth Council.




Supporting Organizations of the Colorado Climate Strike Week of Action

11th Hour Calling

350 Colorado

500 Women Scientists

Aspen Snowmass

Be the Change USA

Boulder CAN


Boundless in Motion and Boulder Ecodharma Sangha

Catholic Network US

Center for Biological Diversity

Clean Energy Action

Climate Courage, LLC

Climate Reality Project

Colorado Coalition for a Livable Climate

Colorado Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Colorado Renewable Energy Society

Colorado Rising

Denver Metro Sierra Club

Earth Focus Group

Earth Guardians – Boulder & CO Climate Strikes

EarthLinks, Inc.

Eco-Justice Ministries

Environment Colorado

Erie Protectors

Extinction Rebellion Boulder County

Extinction Rebellion Denver

Extinction Rebellion Fort Collins

Food & Water Watch

Fort Collins Sustainability Group

Global Greengrants Fund Inc



Indivisible Denver

International Indigenous Youth Council – Denver

Keep Colorado Green

Lookout Alliance

Moms Clean Air Force

Mothers Out Front- Colorado

North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE)

Patagonia – Denver & Boulder Stores

Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission

Protect Our Winters

Renewables Now Loveland

Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center

Sunrise – Boulder/Denver

Sunrise – Colorado Springs

The Climate Mobilization

The Wilderness Society

Wall of Women Colorado

What the Frack? Arapahoe

Wind & Solar Denver

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Greeley Chapter

Womxn’s March Denver


& More 

