And just like that, a new year is upon us! 12 months and innumerable opportunities to keep building our organizing power and securing solutions that help create the future we want. It’s only right that we start this year off with recognizing and celebrating the nearly two years of on-going organizing of activist Shelby Behr, our Climate Hero of the Month of January!
“I became interested in climate activism after reading ‘This Changes Everything’ by Naomi Klein, which was suggested to me by my brother,” said Shelby. “She talked about how important it was for everyone to be involved in this cause because it is not a problem that we will be able to ignore. It’s not a problem that someone else is going to fix.”
“The book got me really fired up on a topic that I was already concerned about. I didn’t know if anything was being done to solve the numerous problems surrounding climate change and I couldn’t tell if much progress was being made. I only had the bleak messaging provided by the media and I was sure there was more to the story.”
Shortly after that, Shelby reached out to 350CO and started her activist journey. “I found that there are plenty of like-minded people doing good work to solve the climate crisis and that there has been more progress than it seems,” said Shelby. “I had no idea how I wanted to help but I wanted to help.”
And help she did! After Shelby met with Chelsea Alexander, the Movement Building & Volunteer Director to discuss her interests and get to know one another better, Shelby set out with a couple projects in mind. In February 2022 Shelby tabled with the Denver Team at the Colorado Environmental Film Festival in Golden to bring more local activists into the fold. Opportunities like these are critical for growing the movement, and Shelby’s friendly and warm demeanor made her the perfect person to help out!
“I went to a few different community meetings and the Denver team meetings,” said Shelby. “Eventually I ended up helping with a few public comment trainings and other events.”
The first public comment workshop that was put on was in September 2022 in Commerce City. It was a great experience and a bilingual event with Spanish interpretation available for participants. For months leading up to it Shelby and others worked diligently to create a comprehensive training and event with time for folks to practice, ask questions, and get more comfortable with the idea of giving public comment. Shelby developed and presented a few sections of the workshop, and while it felt a little challenging to talk in front of people she did an incredible job!
A few months later in December 2022 Shelby was helping again at the next workshop! We were partnering with Black Parents United Foundation (BPUF) this time, so there was a new venue and some new elements in the workshop to work with, and Shelby was an awesome teammate making sure everything ran smoothly; from setting up, greeting and checking folks in as they arrived, and helping clean-up at the end, it would not have been the successful event it was without her help and positive energy.
Last year Shelby and her husband set out on a worldwide adventure, visiting different parts of Asia and Europe over many months. Despite the differences in schedules and time zones Shelby was eager to keep her organizing going and work on a project that was flexible and dynamic. After a few conversations Chelsea and Shelby settled on an activist engagement project that has been trying to get off the ground.
When new people join the movement it’s critical to find time to connect with individuals directly. Without time and energy dedicated to that we run the risk of falling into extractive organizing practices that have long defined modern movements. We should be uplifting relational organizing; our relationships and abilities to effectively communicate with one another about things we care about. So with that in July 2023 Shelby jumped into learning how to do 1-1’s and our process, meeting with new activists on Zoom and showing them the ropes of the organization and issues. In meeting with new people she was able to speak from direct experience in how she started off as a newer organizer not too long ago too. Shelby furthered the work with Chelsea from month to month by meeting to troubleshoot issues, discuss different strategies, and ultimately sort how to best support activists in their journey.
Ultimately it is a project that’s still evolving and adapting, and Shelby has been nothing but a fantastic teammate throughout the process. She is always open to doing things in different ways and consistently provides good feedback when thinking through things strategically. Shelby is a fantastic communicator, and does a great job of summarizing many moving parts to figure out next steps in a project or problem. Not to mention being gracious when plans change unexpectedly!
“…because it [the climate crisis] is not a problem that we will be able to ignore. It’s not a problem that someone else is going to fix.” – Shelby Behr
From abroad Shelby also keeps her organizing rolling by signing petitions, sending letters to legislators, and keeping on top of the various communications and movements on campaigns.
“I am still trying to figure out the best way to help but have come to learn that activism looks different in every season. I have appreciated the flexibility of volunteering with 350CO. I have enjoyed helping onboard new activists, which is something I’ve been able to help with remotely while I am traveling, but I am looking forward to doing more in-person events soon.”
“It’s been really rewarding to get to work with Shelby more closely over time,” said Chelsea. “Shelby has helped realize a big movement building goal when it comes to more relational organizing and creating more support systems for folks to do the best work they can with what they have. I’m so incredibly grateful for her teamwork and support!”
“Volunteering with 350CO has been such a great experience for me. I have met so many wonderful people and gained so much knowledge,” said Shelby. “It is so heartening to see other people working towards the same goal and hearing about the successes. Even though the day to day work sometimes feels like slow progress, working with other activists gives me hope for the future. My best advice for new activists unsure of where to start is to jump in where you can and try a few different things. Activism is not a linear journey and it can be hard, but don’t give up. The movement needs everyone.”
Thank you so much Shelby for all your hard work and commitment to making Colorado and the world a healthier, better place! From every meeting, event, or meal or coffee we’ve shared so far, we feel so grateful for all the ways you have showed up time and again and with nothing but supportive and positive energy. May this year be the best one yet!