350 Metro Denver

New activists like YOU are the lifeblood of 350 Colorado, a statewide grassroots climate justice organization. There is so much to get excited about and many ways to get involved with 350 Denver, so don’t be shy –please join us!
We meet monthly from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. Check out our organization calendar linked here for the next monthly meeting. Click here to fill out our volunteer interest form in order for us to see where you may be interested in getting involved, to connect you with a team member if you would like to talk further, and to stay up to date on Denver events!
Local Denver Campaigns that need your support!
350 Denver has a few long term campaigns we are putting our time and efforts into. All we are missing is you! Remember, to change everything we need everyone!
- Suncor Energy contributes greatly to air and water pollution in Commerce City, Elyria-Swansea, and North Denver. Its is a classic case of environmental racism as the surrounding community is majority Latinx. It also is a major contributor to the 80216 area code being the most polluted in the country. Our Suncor Action Committee is committed to educating the residents of these communities about the public health risks Suncor creates. We also work to oppose plant permit operating renewals and pipelines associated with the company in an effort to shut down this major polluter in Denver. Our Suncor Action Committee meets virtually every other Monday from 4-5 pm, please refer to this 350 Colorado events calendar for access to the zoom call!
- The Denver team has started a series of bilingual trainings for communities that request it. Topics include (but are not limited to) giving public comment, environmental and public health effects of pollution, and environmental justice. So far, we have complete a training on giving public comment in Commerce City and will be hosting another shortly in Aurora. If your community would like a training to be given in your area, or if you are looking to get involved in a volunteer capacity, email melissa@350colorado.org
- 350 Denver is working with Divest DU to force the University of Denver to divest from fossil fuels! Millions of dollars worth of endowments are funneled annually into an industry that contributes to climate change, environmental degradation, environmental injustice, and public health issues. All the while, DU preaches and teaches the importance of sustainability and environmental protection. Join us in calling out this hypocrisy and calling on DU to divest from fossil fuels – sign the petition now!
Other Ways To Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved with 350 Denver and take an active part in fighting this climate crisis. Some of these ways include:
- Helping us grow our volunteer base and the local climate movement overall
- Educating and on-boarding new volunteers to create an informed movement
- Amplifying our online presence and increasing the public’s access to information
- Helping us find and recruit expert speakers for various events
- Event planning and coordination
- Finance and budget management
- Helping with grant writing
- Assisting in fundraising efforts and events
- Donate to help us continue to fund out local team organizer, run out campaigns, and educate and empower communities!
What are the Perks of becoming a 350 Denver Volunteer?
- Build grassroots leadership skills
- Become more comfortable with public speaking
- Have the chance to actively participate in your local, state, or national government
- Grow as an individual by learning more about Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion through talks, workshops, and our overall mission
- Meet likeminded Denver citizens and build a community
- Make a difference in the world we are leaving for future generations!
Don’t have time but want to help out? Become a monthly donor! Donating to nonprofits is a great way to help fight the climate crisis from the comfort of your own home. If you have the ability to donate, your contribution will directly help fund 350 Colorado’s efforts to combat the climate crisis. Click below to become a climate hero with a monthly donation! Looking to make a one time donation? Click here!
Contact Us!
Feel free to email Chelsea Alexander at chelsea@350colorado.org to introduce yourself, and let her know what your interests are and how you would like to be involved.
For the latest information, see our Facebook page and Instagram profile. Make sure to give us a follow!