A banner with the words 350 Colorado Springs flanked by wind turbines and solar panels

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Looking to get involved and join the team? Email Chelsea Alexander at chelsea@350colorado.org.

350 Colorado Springs operates by grassroots principles. That means our Team Coordinator, Leadership Council, and volunteers all live in Colorado Springs or greater El Paso County. As residents and neighbors, we seek to create a mission-driven movement within our community for the common good.


What is our mission?

350 Colorado Springs’s mission can be broken down into four Pillars of Action:

1. Build a powerful grassroots movement

2. Keep all fossil fuels in the ground

3. Promote just & equitable solutions

4. Defunding Climate Disaster


What is 350 Colorado Springs?

350 (pronounced “three-fifty”) Colorado Springs is a grassroots group located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We’re an environmental group focused specifically on addressing the climate crisis in the city we call home, moving away from fossil fuels and towards a renewable, sustainable future.


What is our geographic focus?

Despite our name, the strategic reality is that climate and other environmental justice issues bleed across Colorado Springs’s borders. Things like air pollution, groundwater contaminants, and natural disasters have no concept of city boundaries. Utilities projects throughout El Paso County often spill over town, city, and even county lines.

In 2025, 350 Colorado Springs will allocate its weight of effort inside the city limits of Colorado Springs. We will begin to cultivate the capacity and coalitions necessary to dynamically support other communities in El Paso County this year.
