CPR has been producing a series on fracking. Read on for the latest episode.

Energy companies are tapping huge amounts of oil and gas in Colorado, creating a boom in the state that is changing the landscape. As such, new machines and technologies are appearing in rural and urban areas across the state.
As an introduction to our series Fracking and Water: The Ripple Effect, we walk you through the oil and gas fields to learn the difference between a drilling rig, a fracking operation or a producing well.
Fracking and Water: The Ripple Effect will explore how fracking and water intersect as the industry uses billions of gallons of water per year.
A recent study by Ceres, a non-profit green investment firm, reports that the industry is going to double its water use to more than six billion gallons by 2015, a figure that’s twice as much water as the city of Boulder uses annually. The data used by Ceres researchers came from information supplied by the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC).