Have you wondered if it’s really true that Colorado needs its oil and gas industry? Have you heard that the industry contributes a huge portion of the state’s economy? If so, you have been a victim of oil and gas propaganda. Get the true story in this new report by Colorado Fiscal Institute and if you agree phasing out new permits by 2030 is both necessary and feasilble, sign this support letter for a phase-out of new permits with a just transition.
The report shows that oil and gas contributes a small fraction of our state’s economy (3.3% of GDP) and an even tinier percentage of jobs (20,000 or 0.7%), but meanwhile, Coloradans have already paid and will continue to pay a price for oil and gas development: between 2020 and 2030, the greenhouse gas pollution alone from this industry in Colorado will cause $13 billion in damages. Ozone, particulate matter and toxic chemicals caused by oil and gas development in our state create significant health costs, including dozens of deaths annually.
The report states that “from 2018-2021, Colorado’s GDP increased by 17.2% while the oil and gas sector shrank by 21.4%. The overall positive trendline of Colorado’s economy during a time of decline for the oil and gas industry lends credibility to the idea that the state is not economically dependent on oil and gas.” In other words, a gradual phaseout of new oil and gas permits is feasible. Some counties do rely more on oil and gas money, so Colorado will need to rally to support those communities as the world moves away from oil and gas.
We know a phaseout is necessary: The UN Environment Programme and the International Energy Agency say we need to stop new fossil fuel development and slow down production immediately in order to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Additionally, the oil and gas industry in Colorado is the #1 cause of emissions causing both ‘severe’ ozone nonattainment and the climate crisis. Yet production in Colorado continues unabated, with over 4,000 new fracking wells permitted since Gov. Polis came into office and no end in sight. As the 5th largest US producer of oil, and the 7th largest producer of gas, Colorado is enabling this industry to contribute enormously to the climate crisis. Most of the oil and gas produced in Colorado isn’t used here–it is burned elsewhere. It is high time for us to take responsibility for our share and stop permitting new wells!
Ready to take action? Here’s how:
- Sign the letter of support for a phaseout by 2030 of new oil and gas well permit and share it widely!
- Get your tickets for our webinar on this topic. (February 21 at 6:30 pm)
- Take 5 minutes now to send this easy one-click letter to your state representative and senator sending them the report that shows oil and gas provides only 0.7% of Colorado jobs, makes up only 3.3% of Colorado GDP, and provides only 1.2% of state and local government revenue.
- Have extra time? Contact your city council member too and let them know about this report, and ask them to sign this letter of support for a phaseout by 2030 of new oil and gas well permits.
Thanks for taking action and stay tuned for how you can help turn our communications campaign on this into a huge media blitz to change the narrative in Colorado. We don’t need dirty oil and gas money!