Blowing the Whistle on BLM for Auctioning Off Our Future!
When: Tuesday, Feb. 28th, 10-11am
Where: Bureau of Land Management – Wyoming
5353 Yellowstone, Cheyenne, WY 82009
On Feb. 29th the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) considered a lease auction on public land for coal mining, applied for by Peabody Coal. The tract is South Porcupine, part of which is on the Thunder Basin National Grasslands.
The BLM lease process is non-competitive …and results in coal being sold for ~17% of the price of Appalachian coal. A financial analysis of the lease process has concluded that the BLM has subsidized coal producers to the tune of $28.9 billion since 1982 in below market royalties and bonuses. These unfair public subsidies stymie efforts to move to a clean energy future and undervalue our land, water, air, climate, and health.
People rallied outside the BLM office in Cheyenne, WY on Feb. 28th, from 10am-11am to protest the auctioning off of our future! We refereed a mock auction and blew the whistle on these foul subsidies to King Coal!
Thanks to everyone who participated the BLM rejected Peabody coal’s low-ball bid on these public lands! Way to go team!