350 Colorado stands unequivocally against violence, war, militarism, and genocide, and we call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. We mourn the tragic loss of life. We condemn in the strongest possible terms the violent attack committed by Hamas against Israelis and have deep compassion for how these events retriggered the trauma of past experience for Jews around the world. At the same time, we stand against the horrific violence currently committed by the Israeli state against innocent Palestinian civilians. There is no justification for all of this horrific violence. 

Since October 7th, over 10,000 people have been killed in Gaza and more children have been killed in just over three weeks in Gaza than in all of the world’s conflicts combined in each of the past three years, according to the global charity Save the Children. We cannot stand by and watch as our elected leaders move closer to sending over $14 billion in military aid to Israel, to aid in the slaughter of Palestinian civilians and children, the targeted bombings of refugee camps, mosques, schools and hospitals, and the withholding of access to food, water, electricity, and medical supplies. This is a humanitarian catastrophe, and we call for an immediate end to this violence.

Please email your elected officials today and demand a ceasefire now. [Link to a 1-click letter draft below.]

Militarism, exemplified by the ongoing violence in Gaza, is deeply connected with the climate crisis. Globally, militarism accounts for 5.5% of greenhouse gas emissions, and the U.S. Department of Defense is the largest industrial fossil fuel user in the world. Meanwhile, the climate crisis is resulting in increased conflict globally over dwindling resources and due to unavoidable migrations to escape drought, famine and sea-level rise. This is a vicious cycle that will unfortunately become more dire as the planet overheats. It is essential that humankind learns to elevate humanity over conflict as global climate stressors escalate in the years to come.

We oppose discrimination in all forms, including antisemitism and islamophobia. This is not a Jewish issue or a Muslim issue, this is a humanitarian issue. 

The climate movement must stand in solidarity with those suffering and demand basic human rights. We call for a ceasefire in Gaza, as well as immediate humanitarian assistance and establishing safe zones in the Gaza Strip, safe passage of humanitarian aid and medical supplies, and resuming access to water and electricity as well as fuel for medical facilities in the Gaza Strip, and negotiations for the release of all civilian hostages. We call on our leaders to make it their mission, in this and future humanitarian and military crises, to de-escalate conflict and negotiate peaceful resolutions.

We hope you will join us in this call. 

In solidarity, 

350 Colorado Board and Staff
