Incredible news! Thanks to the hard work and perseverance of all of you and our partners who worked tirelessly over the last few months (and years), yesterday we delivered over 100,000 signatures on each of the 2 Yes for Health and Safety Over Fracking ballot initiatives!!!

This is truly a watershed moment, and we want to express the depths of our gratitude to everyone who has worked so hard to make it possible!

Check out the press release, news articles and moving videos below to see more…

In celebration and with deepest gratitude!

Micah and the 350CO team

August 8, 2016Yes circle banner
Fracking Initiative Is A Victory For Health And Safety In Colorado

Denver, CO – Today, a grassroots-led coalition united under the banner “Yes for Health and Safety Over Fracking”, submitted signatures for the November ballot on two commonsense initiatives aimed at addressing shortcomings in state law around fracking for oil and natural gas.  This is a victory for people who want to protect the health and safety of their communities, their families, and themselves.

This fall, Colorado residents will vote to give themselves the power to set the direction on what is best for their own communities. Jeanette Pidanick of North Metro Neighbors for Safe Energy: “The failure of the state to protect our health and safety has forced the people to take matters into their own hands.”

Initiative #75, “Local Governmental Control of Oil and Gas Development,” recognizes that oil and gas development should be subject to local jurisdiction like every other industry. The measure would give local governments a wide range of options to protect their communities and neighborhoods from the harms associated with oil and gas development, including fracking.

Initiative #78, “Mandatory Setbacks from Oil and Gas Development,” establishes a buffer zone of 2,500’ (less than ½ mile) between new oil and gas development and homes, hospitals, schools and sensitive areas like playgrounds and drinking water sources. A 2500’ setback takes its basis from health studies showing elevated health risk to human health within ½ mile of “fracked” wells. It also takes into account the perimeters needed for explosion, evacuation, and burn zones.

Tricia Olson, Executive Director of Health and Safety Over Fracking, said “I am thrilled that the people of Colorado will have announced loud and clear where they stand on this issue. I am grateful to our hundreds of Colorado volunteers and to the organizations that stepped forward. This is an important first step in giving Colorado residents control over their communities.”

The Yes for Health and Safety campaign is a true grassroots coalition. It is lead by local health and safety organizations using mostly volunteers to obtain enough signatures to get on the ballot. So far it has overcome an unprecedented counter-campaign mounted by the oil and gas industry, which has poured tens of millions of dollars in Colorado to protect its interests.

Therese Gilbert of Weld Air and Water said, “Thousands of Weld County residents signed because they have first-hand experience of what it’s like to have toxic fracking wells in their backyards. Farmers signed. Oil workers signed.  Republicans signed and Democrats signed. This is a non-partisan issue because it is a health and safety issue. Our elected officials have not listened to our concerns, and these measures will allow families across Colorado to fight industrial fracking sites going in right next to their children’s schools. ”

Once the petitions are confirmed by the state’s auditing process, the coalition will build on its existing support throughout the state to get the backing of Colorado voters in November.

Maria Orms of North Metro Neighbors for Safe Energy said, “This is what a true grassroots campaign looks like. It’s moms and dads, grandparents taking action to protect all that we hold dear. They thought they could silence us by spending millions on advertising, but our state is not for sale.”
